We always try our best to make the right decisions in all we do. We work in harmony with our Vision statement, and uphold our caring ethos. Like in any establishment, there will always be some decisions made which may cause unrest or issue. We hope all stakeholders appreciate there will always be many aspects which require consideration. In the unlikely event of major issue, parents have a right to make a complaint if they feel this is appropriate.

Therefore any complaints, in the first instance, should normally be made to the Headteacher, and it is hoped that in most cases complaints will be dealt with at this informal level. It is helpful if a letter is written initially outlining the complaint so that initial investigation can be made. Following this, a meeting can be held and the matter hopefully dealt with and resolved.

If the complaint cannot be resolved at local level (i.e. with the Headteacher) then the parent should write to the Board of Governors via the Clerk to the Governors at the school clearly stating their issues and how they would like the matter to be resolved.