The Governing Body

The Governors have a general responsibility for the effective management of the School, but they are not expected to take detailed decisions about the day to day running of the School – that is the role of the Headteacher. They are responsible for the curriculum and conduct of the School; managing the budget; staffing; discipline and attendance.

Governors’ Meetings are held regularly and at least once a term to consider a variety of items affecting the School and to receive reports from the Headteacher concerning the conduct, finance and curriculum of the School.

School Governors’ Documents

Click here for A guide for prospective School Governors 

Our Governors - Roles and Responsibilities

Name Category Additional Role Date of Appointment Term of Office End Business Interests
Mark Barham Co-opted Vice-Chair of FGB Member of Business and Finance Committee Health and Safety Governor English Link Governor Science Link Governor 23/09/2024 22/09/2028 None
Kate Bown Local Authority Chair of FGB Safeguarding and Pupil Premium Governor Member of Business and Finance Committee 23/09/2024 22/09/2028 Eastover Primary School – Clerk to Governors. Northgate Primary School – Governor and Risk Assessor. Westover Green Primary School – Clerk to Governors and Risk Assessor.
Richard Donley Co-opted Maths and SEND Link Governor 11/12/2023 10/12/2027 SENDIAS Officer with Somerset Council
Deborah Leach Ex-officio Headteacher N/A 01/09/2022 N/A None
Malcolm McKay Elected Parent History and Geography Link Governor 20/10/2023 19/10/2027 Self-employed motoring journalist. Parent of a child at the school.
Derek Norman Co-opted Chair of Business and Finance Committee Data Protection Link Governor 23/09/2024 22/09/2028 None
Richard Rosslyn Clerk to Governors N/A
Vacancies Elected Parent Elected Staff
Resignations within the last 12 months Laura Mayo Elected Staff 13/12/2023 Date of Resignation 01/12/2024

NNCPS Governor Attendance 2023-2024

Full Governing Board Meetings
Name Category 25/09/2023 11/12/2023 18/03/2024 30/04/2024 20/05/2024 15/07/2024 Total
Mark Barham Co-opted Present Present Present Present Present Present 6/6
Kate Bown Local Authority Present Present Present Present Present Present 6/6
Richard Donley Co-opted Present Apologies Present Present Present 4/5
Deborah Leach Ex-officio Headteacher Present Present Apologies Present Present Present 5/6
Laura Mayo Elected Staff Present Present Apologies Present 3/4
Malcolm Mckay Elected Parent Present Absent Present Present Present 4/5
Derek Norman Co-opted Present Present Present Present Present Present 6/6
Richard Rosslyn Clerk Present Present Present Present Present Present 6/6
Business and Finance Committee Meetings
Name Category 06/11/2023 22/01/2024 25/03/2024 30/04/2024 09/07/2024 TOTAL
Mark Barham Co-opted Present Present Present Present Present 5/5
Kate Bown Local Authority Present Present Present Present Present 5/5
Deborah Leach Ex-officio Headteacher Present Present Present Present Present 5/5
Derek Norman Co-opted Present Present Present Present Present 5/5
Richard Rosslyn Clerk Present Present Present Present Present 5/5