Welcome to our NEW Home Learning Page!!
Weblinks for Learning
At North Newton Primary, we are constantly striving to teach interesting, exciting and stimulating lessons in order to develop skills to prepare our children for life’s challenges. As a way of supporting your child, you may wish to use any of these Internet websites and work with your child to further develop their knowledge and understanding, particularly in English and Maths.
These are only a small number of websites that have proved to be helpful, fun, interesting and useful for our children. Please feel free to hyperlink to them and enjoy what they have to offer.
As a kind request, if you know of other useful sites to help our children, please make a note of the web address and send it into school – we will have a look and possibly add them to our growing list!!
For all subjects…
Specifically for Maths…
Specifically for English…
Poetry section – ‘Potty about Poetry’
To develop touch typing skills…(Parents please work with them on this, as it is easy to ‘not use the right fingers’ which will defeat the whole point! Thanks.)
Click here for further ideas to help in Maths!
Please click on each operation to see how they progress
These posters are designed for you to see the basic progression regarding the 4 operations. They are in year groups / stages but please be aware that children are taught at an ability-appropriate level.