Taste a new fruit.
Have a teddy bears picnic.
Visit a farm
Make a sandwich
Go to the cinema
Meet a pet
Dress up day
Perform a dance
Fly a kite
Make some decorations
Make a den
Search for butterflies and take photos
Go on an elf/fairy hunt
Post a letter to Santa
Go to the Park
Make some biscuits
Borrow a book from a library
Discover what is in a pond
Create a piece of art for an exhibition
Go on a hunt for some insects or small creatures
Go on a canal walk
Perform in the church
Make a daisy chain
Make a home for an insect or small creature
Take part in a play day
Skim a stone
Grow a sunflower
Eat a picnic in the wild
Go on a scavenger hunt
Play a board game
Learn a poem off by heart
Take a trip to the seaside
Bake a cake
Build a bridge and test its strength
Start a vegetable patch
Pick blackberries
Go bird watching
Learn a French song
Walk to the lock gates
Welly walk
Retell a story to Hedgehogs
Have a go at Origami
Make a crown out of leaves/flowers
Race a stick
Compose a piece of music
Take part in a Roman banquet
Eat something you’ve not tried before
Create a mosaic
Write in hieroglyphics
Climb a tree
Make a musical instrument
Learn a new game
Make something out of wood
Make a short movie
Learn to play a game of cards
Produce rubbings of fossils
Try yoga
Visit a museum
Stay a night away from home
Write and perform a poem
Watch a play or a dance production
Use a camera as part of an art lesson
Make a sculpture
Explore inside a cave
Walk through a forest
Visit a new place of worship
Learn to sew on a button
Go hiking
Take part in a treasure hunt
Find your way around using a map
Create some wild art
Learn an unusual sport
Keep a nature diary
Run a mile
Take part in a debate
Learn something new about your local area
Make and launch an air powered rocket
Use an OS map
Go orienteering
Do a blind folded taste test
Write a story for the Reception class
Put on a performance
Make papier mâché planets.
Walk to the top of a hill.
Write in hieroglyphics.
Design and make a boardgame.
Pick litter in your local area.
Make a mud creation.
Cook on a campfire.
Learn to knit/crochet.
Write a speech.
Plan a tour around your local area.
Interview someone.
Visit a local charity and find out how you can support them.
Design a product or business idea and pitch it to ‘investors’.
Choose objects to put in a time capsule.
Organise tea for parents and carers.
See the sun set.
Visit a city.
Go on a nature walk at night.
Set up a snail race.
Enter the Primary Maths Challenge.
Take part in bike ability.
Enter a/my writing for a competition.
Visit various places of worship.
Go and watch a pantomime.
Take part in the May Fayre.
Take part in nativity or a carol concert.
Raise money for our school.
Take part in a pancake race.
Find out about a charity and raise money for them.
Meet someone who works looking after the environment/link with local business.
Meet an author/illustrator.
Link with an inner-city school.